Document Verification

We will have our first Document Verification Saturday 01/25/2020 at Ponderosa Elementary from 9:30 am to 11:00 am.


What to Bring to Document Verification


For new and returning players, bring

  • 1 proof of age (ORIGINAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE) and
  • 1 proof of residency from each of the below listed three groups:


Group I

Group II

Group III

1. Driver’s License (photo ID of parent(s) or guardian)

1. Welfare/child care records

1. Voter’s Registration

2. School records (home address of player’s parent/guardian)

2. Federal records (i.e., Federal Tax, Social Security, etc.)

2. Utility bills (i.e., - gas, electric, water/sewer, phone, mobile phone, heating, waste disposal)

3. Vehicle records (i.e., registration, lease, etc.)

3. State records

3. Financial records (loan, credit, investments, etc.)

4. Employment records

4. Local (municipal) records

4. Medical records

5. Insurance documents (with residence address)

5. Support payment records

5. Internet, cable, or satellite television records


6. Homeowner or tenant records


7. Military records



  • If your address is outside the league boundaries, but your child attends a school in the league boundaries, please bring a record of school enrollment for the current school year (Dated prior to October 1, 2019).


If you cannot verify documents this weekend, we will have a couple more document verification events.  One will be Saturday 2/1/2020, 10am - 1pm, at Ponderosa.  We’ll also have one in the evening the first week of March (Date/Time/Location to be determined).